An Affordable Cloud-Based Solution for Inventory Management

Management Platform for Dentists

User-Friendly Platform That Works for Both Single Practices & Large Healthcare Organizations

Supply Management Software for Dentists

Valuable Reports & Analytics at Your Fingertips

Cloud Based Supply Management Platform

Clixon offers a product management platform for medical & dental professionals, making it easier for your staff to order products from all vendors.

At $59/Month, Clixon will save you and your staff time, effort, and money.

Management Platform for Health Professionals

It’s Time For A Change

Let’s face it; inventory management is a complicated and time-consuming endeavor. In a fast-paced healthcare environment, having staff members keep track of supplies, contact multiple companies to place orders, and oversee deliveries is a labor-intensive, inefficient, and costly process. Whether you own an individual practice, multiple offices, or represent a larger healthcare organization, this approach often leaves a team overstocked, understocked, or burdened with useless expired stock.

With Clixon, There’s A Better Way To Do Business

Clixon is…
Supply Management Software for Health Industry

Clixon integrates all the moving parts involved in supply purchasing and inventory management into one affordable and easy-to-use platform. It puts direct access to a custom catalog, all your vendors, and every step of the ordering process at your fingertips, giving your team more time to focus on patient care and growing your business. Plus, with detailed reports and analytics keeping you on top of your inventory, buying habits, production, and budget, it facilitates well-informed decisions that can save your business time and money.

At Clixon, we never rest on our laurels. We value client and partner vendor input and follow industry trends to make refinements, add new features, and make a great product even better. We're also proud of our company's strong relationships with our clients and partner vendors. It's our firm belief that excellent communication, exemplary service, and standing behind our product 100% is the key to building lasting partnerships based on trust.

What Are The Benefits?

  • Secure, Cloud-Based solution you can access from anywhere at any time of day
  • Order products from all vendors on one platform
  • Low, all-inclusive startup and subscription fees, including onboarding & training
  • Group or Single Practice management capabilities
  • Fully customizable catalog
  • Over 300,000 manufacturer products currently offered through our Partner Vendors
  • Role-based user access settings
  • Real-time information on product pricing, availability, open orders, pending receipts, shipping notifications, and more
  • Account allocations available with integration to accounting software that can save your business time and money in AP
  • Outstanding customer service and support backed by over a decade of experience working with dental and medical professionals across the globe

10 Initiatives to consider in your supply management execution

Business trends come and go, but the following basic initiatives will help your supply management become more effective through Clixon.

Dental Supply Chain Software

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis non felis nec feugiat. Phasellus semper, nisl nec pulvinar viverra, purus libero commodo diam, in fermentum risus ex sit amet nulla. Ut luctus nulla at venenatis faucibus. Sed id eros eu odio feugiat ullamcorper. Suspendisse sollicitudin lorem sit amet facilisis congue. Sed massa sem, luctus fringilla egestas ac, blandit id dolor. Fusce eu risus sit amet felis fermentum consectetur.

Ut bibendum quam eu placerat rhoncus. Donec ultricies viverra fermentum. Aliquam non mauris ut orci laoreet aliquet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ac dictum dui. Curabitur in sem imperdiet, porttitor nisi id, facilisis magna. Integer interdum nulla lectus, et malesuada felis laoreet at. Etiam ut dolor erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc posuere fringilla mi nec tempus. Quisque lacus ex, posuere id mauris vestibulum, lobortis dignissim velit. Phasellus ut nisl at orci scelerisque pellentesque. Phasellus consequat, libero ac hendrerit convallis, sem nibh consequat est, a blandit est mi sit amet neque. In eget massa mi. Integer rutrum at massa commodo posuere.

Etiam et magna turpis. In at magna at nulla condimentum bibendum nec vitae ligula. Fusce nunc tellus, tincidunt a diam condimentum, semper rutrum erat. Fusce neque ligula, rutrum a magna et, ultricies pharetra sapien. Nam luctus, ipsum nec aliquet pretium, tortor odio ultrices ipsum, eu egestas ipsum elit a ligula. Sed in arcu a nulla euismod ullamcorper a sed leo. Etiam dictum, metus feugiat efficitur congue, eros mauris venenatis lorem, semper accumsan diam sem in felis. Vivamus auctor leo vitae ante laoreet laoreet. Suspendisse ut dapibus est. Ut id luctus est. Curabitur quis leo vel turpis porta aliquet et at tortor. Duis ornare purus non convallis consequat.

Get Started

Ready to take the next step? You can simplify your supply management and start saving time and money now!

Dental Supply Chain Software

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas mollis non felis nec feugiat. Phasellus semper, nisl nec pulvinar viverra, purus libero commodo diam, in fermentum risus ex sit amet nulla. Ut luctus nulla at venenatis faucibus. Sed id eros eu odio feugiat ullamcorper. Suspendisse sollicitudin lorem sit amet facilisis congue. Sed massa sem, luctus fringilla egestas ac, blandit id dolor. Fusce eu risus sit amet felis fermentum consectetur.

Ut bibendum quam eu placerat rhoncus. Donec ultricies viverra fermentum. Aliquam non mauris ut orci laoreet aliquet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ac dictum dui. Curabitur in sem imperdiet, porttitor nisi id, facilisis magna. Integer interdum nulla lectus, et malesuada felis laoreet at. Etiam ut dolor erat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nunc posuere fringilla mi nec tempus. Quisque lacus ex, posuere id mauris vestibulum, lobortis dignissim velit. Phasellus ut nisl at orci scelerisque pellentesque. Phasellus consequat, libero ac hendrerit convallis, sem nibh consequat est, a blandit est mi sit amet neque. In eget massa mi. Integer rutrum at massa commodo posuere.

Etiam et magna turpis. In at magna at nulla condimentum bibendum nec vitae ligula. Fusce nunc tellus, tincidunt a diam condimentum, semper rutrum erat. Fusce neque ligula, rutrum a magna et, ultricies pharetra sapien. Nam luctus, ipsum nec aliquet pretium, tortor odio ultrices ipsum, eu egestas ipsum elit a ligula. Sed in arcu a nulla euismod ullamcorper a sed leo. Etiam dictum, metus feugiat efficitur congue, eros mauris venenatis lorem, semper accumsan diam sem in felis. Vivamus auctor leo vitae ante laoreet laoreet. Suspendisse ut dapibus est. Ut id luctus est. Curabitur quis leo vel turpis porta aliquet et at tortor. Duis ornare purus non convallis consequat.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“Clixon has been a game changer in managing product formulary across multiple locations. Having the ability to easily change products and search for best pricing has saved a significant amount of money by streamlining the process and facilitated getting the products we need when we need them.”

Clixon Group LLC

Gentle Dentistry

“Clixon is an amazing tool to help provide a one stop show for your teams to shop and provide visibility for DSO management into spend, budgeting and inventory management. The best part of working with Clixon Group is the immediate customer service and support. They make implementing this process into your practices extremely easy. We feel like the Clixon team is part of our team. Teams, doctors, managers and support staff all have had positive experiences with Clixon.”

Dental Supply Chain Software

Nikodem Dental

“We love Clixon, it has made our ordering process so much easier for all of our office locations, their customer service is outstanding!”

Management Platform for Health Professionals


“Clixon has helped us streamline our inventory and purchasing to become a much more efficient process and we are thrilled with the results. The team is always looking for ways to improve the software and make the users' lives easier.”

Cloud Based Supply Management Platform

Technics Dental Laboratory

“Clixon has saved us some much time and money with their streamlined approach to the ordering process. All of the vendors you purchase from all in one place plus budgeting, inventory tracking, and analytics. I have found it be the most stable and user friendly purchasing software on the planet. A scalable software that can fit the needs of a small practice or a multi-site multi-department organization.”

Cloud Based Supply Management Platform

Smilebuilderz LLC

“Clixon has been a game-changer for our practices. The integration with our vendors has been seamless and has offered an efficient and cost-saving opportunity to order supplies. Clixon has exceeded our expectations.”

Management Platform for Dentists

Mortenson Dental Partners

“Clixon has proven to be a great partner for our organization! Implementing their procurement platform has streamlined our processes and saved our team a lot of valuable time!”

Management Platform for Health Professionals

Smile Design Dentistry

Our Partner Vendors

Dental Supply Chain Software
Cloud Based Supply Management Platform
Supply Management Software for Health Industry
Management Platform for Health Professionals
Management Platform for Health Professionals
Supply Management Software for Dentists
Clixon Group LLC
Clixon Group LLC
Clixon Group LLC
Clixon Group LLC
Clixon Group LLC
Clixon Group LLC